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Digital SAT Vocabulary

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Mastering Digital SAT vocabulary is an essential step in excelling on the English section of the test, where precision in language and nuanced understanding of words play pivotal roles. A refined vocabulary not only enhances comprehension but also empowers students to interpret complex passages, identify subtle contextual clues, and select the most accurate answers with confidence. Here are 500 frequently used Digital SAT words, meticulously curated for high-impact learning. For those committed to a comprehensive and distinguished SAT preparation, our tutoring programs provide exclusive guidance—not only on memorizing vocabulary but also on applying these words skillfully in test scenarios. Join us to experience a premier educational service tailored to ambitious students and discerning families who seek only the finest in academic preparation.

Digital SAT Vocab List

  1. abide (v.) - to remain; continue; stay; endure

  2. abstract (adj.) - existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

  3. accessible (adj.) - easy to approach; obtainable

  4. acclaimed (adj.) - praise enthusiastically and publicly

  5. accommodate (v.) - to make fit, adjust to

  6. adversely affected (exp.) - harming something or holding it back in some way

  7. advocate (n.) - supporter

  8. aesthetic (adj.) - pertaining to beauty

  9. affect (v.) - influence; have an effect on; make a difference to

  10. affinity (n.) - an attraction to

  11. aftermath (n.) - events following some occurrence; a consequence of

  12. aggravate (v.) - to make worse

  13. aim (n.) - goal

  14. alienate (v.) - cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged

  15. alight (v.) - to get down from

  16. alleviate (v.) - to relieve, make more bearable

  17. allocate (v.) - to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute

  18. altruistic (adj.) - unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others

  19. ambiguous (adj.) - open to more than one interpretation; unclear

  20. ambition (n.) - a strong drive for success

  21. ambivalence (n.) - the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes

  22. analogy (n.) - a comparison of two different things that are similar in some way

  23. anatomical (adj.) - relating to the structure of the body

  24. anguish (n.) - severe mental or physical pain or suffering

  25. animosity (n.) - strong dislike; bitter hostility

  26. annihilation (n.) - complete destruction

  27. annotate (v.) - comment; make explanatory notes

  28. anomaly (n.) - deviation from what is normal

  29. apparatus (n.) - the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose

  30. approbation (n.) - the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval

  31. arbitrary (adj.) - unreasonable; based on one's wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness

  32. arduous (adj.) - hard to do, requiring much effort

  33. ascribe (v.) - to assign or refer to

  34. aspiration (n.) - a hope or ambition of achieving something

  35. assert (v.) - to declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully

  36. assess (v.) - evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of

  37. associate (v.) - to link; to group together

  38. assume (v.) - suppose to be the case, without proof.

  39. attribute (n.) - a quality or characteristic belonging to or associated with someone or something

  40. atypical (adj.) - not typical, abnormal

  41. authenticity (n.) - The quality or condition of being authentic, trustworthy, or genuine.

  42. awe (n.) - an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration

  43. ballad (n.) - a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas

  44. bar (v.) - to exclude; to keep out

  45. beckon (v.) - to signal or summon, as by nodding or waving

  46. beneficiary (n.) - one who benefits from something; a person who is left money or other property in a will or the like

  47. benevolent (adj.) - kindly, charitable

  48. berth (n.) - a bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc.

  49. bleak (adj.) - bare, dreary, dismal

  50. bliss (n.) - perfect happiness

  51. burrow (v.) - to make a tunnel, hole, or shelter by digging

  52. brazen (adj.) - bold and without shame

  53. burgeon (v.) - to grow and flourish

  54. buttress (v.) - to support, prop up, strengthen

  55. capacious (adj.) - spacious

  56. captivity (n.) - the condition of being imprisoned or confined

  57. caricature (n.) - an exaggerated portrayal of one's features

  58. catalog (v.) - to make an itemized list of

  59. catalyst (n.) - something that brings about a change in something else

  60. catastrophic (adj.) - involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering

  61. categorize (v.) - to place in a particular class or group

  62. cease (v.) - to stop

  63. charisma (n.) - personal appeal or attraction; magnetism

  64. chronicle (v.) - a record of events in order of time; a history

  65. circumstance (n.) - condition surrounding something; a situation

  66. circumvent (v.) - to get around; to bypass; avoid

  67. cite (v.) - identifying a part of a piece of writing as being derived from a source

  68. cliche (n.) - a worn-out idea or overused expression

  69. cognitive (adj.) - having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding

  70. coherence (n.) - the quality of being logical and consistent

  71. cohesive (adj.) - sticking or holding together; unified

  72. coincidental (adj.) - happening at the same time by chance

  73. colonialism (n.) - attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory

  74. commemorate (v.) - honor the memory of

  75. commentary (n.) an explanation or interpretation

  76. commiserate (v.) - to sympathize with, have pity or sorrow for, share a feeling of distress

  77. commissioned work (exp.) - work created based on a client's request

  78. commodity (n.) - valuable product

  79. compare (v.) - give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations

  80. compassion (n.) - sympathy for another's suffering; pity

  81. compelling (adj.) - forceful; urgently demanding attention

  82. compensate (v.) - to make up for; to repay for services

  83. competence (n.) - the ability to do something successfully or efficiently

  84. complementary (adj.) - completing; fitting together well; filling mutual needs

  85. compliance (n.) - the tendency to agree to do things requested by others

  86. component (n.) - a part or element of a larger whole.

  87. compound (n.) - a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture.

  88. comprehensible (adj.) - able to be grasped mentally; understandable

  89. comprise (v.) - to include or contain

  90. conceal (v.) - to keep from sight; hide

  91. concede (v.) - to admit as true; to yield, submit

  92. conceptualize (v.) - to form a concept or idea

  93. concerted effort (exp.) - determined and serious effort

  94. concise (adj.) - expressing much in few words

  95. conclusive (adj.) - serving to settle an issue; final

  96. concurrent (adj.) - happening at the same time

  97. conducive (adj.) - supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about

  98. conflicted (adj.) - confused; undecided; having feelings that clash or conflict

  99. conformity (n.) - adjusting our behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard

  100. conjecture (n.) - an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information

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